We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~ Walt Disney

18 September 2012

Tat-along: Next round

The 2nd round is done, but I'm in a dilemma. Should I use the deep red for the next round or the thread colourway in the centre round? ; /


  1. Variegated. Hands down. Says me.
    Fox : ))

  2. I ended up choosing the variagated on mine, but it was a hard choice!

  3. I think as Fox does, use the thread from the center, how about use it for rnd 3 & 4 and then use the dark burgandy/red for the standing clovers.

  4. I think the variegated or a totally different colour. Go with your instinct.

  5. Beautiful colours. Go with variegated, like Fox said.

  6. Nice! I'm not much help w/ which one to use, sorry. I just wanted you to know I like what your creating.

  7. That looks really great!! :)
    I personally would go with the center color for the next round.

  8. Appreciate all your precious comments and suggestions, fellow tatters. I'm going to have to sleep over the 2 options, or more if they come to me, and I might surprise you in due course. ;)


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