We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~ Walt Disney

19 December 2009

A Girl Elephant

for my dearest friend, Pearl. The new girl is pretty, isn't she? A butterfly was so attracted by her eyes that it landed right on her nose!

It's Christmas just round the corner. May all my friends, and one n all, have a wonderful time this season.



  1. She is sooo adorable Val!!!

    Love your red/white/blue snowflake too!!!

    Hugs GF

  2. Oh VAL!!!!! Look how adorable your sock elephants are!!!! I cannot believe they are socks. Hahahaha! Really fantastic. Your tatted snowflakes are absolutely gorgeous. And your ANGEL! My mouth fell open. So delicate and beautiful. And of course, you know I love your tatted teapot and teacups. Your sister is so very, very lucky!

    Wishing you and your family the very best Christmas!!!

  3. I love the elephant! And those tatted angels a little way farther down your blog ... are simply divine :) You are so very talented!!

    Happy Holidays and best wishes for a fabulous New Year filled with many lovely things!!


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