We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~ Walt Disney

03 July 2011

A Lazy Afternoon

Yesterday I wasn't feeling up to anything so I lazed around at home. Put on a DVD and practiced the herringbone stitch in beading. This is what I got using 2 different colours of #11 seed beads.

I wish I have some energy to start my second tatted edging for a hanky! I'm boiling duck and salted mustard soup now. Perhaps that'll lift me up somewhat. ;p

Have a good weekend. XOXO


  1. Oh, how pretty! At the lace event two weeks ago, I saw a lady making beaded bracelets on a knitting spool. It was very intriguing. Last weekend, I saw a young girl making beaded jewelry with beads and what looked like fishing line. She was making some very intricate designs, and she used no tools. Now I'm reading about you doing beading with herringbone stitch. Three weekends in a row that I'm fascinated with beading... is it a sign? ; )

  2. Okay...I'll be right over for some of that soup! ;)


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